The Advisory Committee assists the members of the board in ensuring ECOTA is headed in the right direction by facilitating contacts, attending meetings, giving strategic advice, appearing as subject matter experts in their own fields, etc. Out Advisory Committee members are known leaders in Mexico and the U.S. that have the highest respect among their peers in their respective field of expertise.
En el mundo empresarial, Camarillo Ortega ha sido consejero en Aguascalientes de la Confederación Patronal de la República Mexicana (Coparmex) y director de Operaciones en México de la compañía del ramo tecnológico Texas Instruments.
Asimismo, este legislador fungió como coordinador de proyectos de investigación en el Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo.
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Caleb R. Troxclair is an attorney with expertise in energy, utility, regulatory, and legislative law and policy. In 2016 Caleb founded Troxclair, PC in Austin, Texas to offer his expertise in these fields to organizations needing help maneuvering the often-challenging environment of the legislature and governmental agencies.